Take a red bell pepper, half it then add a dash of fresh lime juice and cook over an oak smoked barbecue. Then serve it with some fresh berry fruits. This rather specific and hyper-pretentious description of Grand-Puy-Lacoste came to me as I finished off the bottle with my brain somewhat the worse for wear.
I bought two Bordeaux wines en primeur from the 2003 vintage. I have already posted about Château du Tetre from Margaux. The other was Grand-Puy-Lacoste from Pauillac.
The wines are said to be more robust in Pauillac. Personally I love the subtlety of Margaux. However, Pauillac is one of the (if not THE) most respected wine regions in the world so I must take it seriously.

A very promising wine. Maybe just needs some more time in the bottle. I think 2003 was a good year so I may seek out some cheaper wines from this vintage. Especially now that everyone is falling over themselves to spend every penny they possess on 2005…