I feel sure it is too early for some purists. Maybe I am the early bird breaking fast on the first worm.  I have been trying several 2005 Bordeaux early release red wines, for example here, here, here, and here with mixed, but mostly good results.
You may not think that January 2008 is all that early to release 2005 wines, but I recently received a letter from the importer, from whom I purchased my special 2005 en primeur wines, kindly informing me that Spring 2008 was likely to be the earliest I would receive my precious Château Lynch-Bages, Château Guiraud and others.

So whilst waiting, I have been obliged to drink from the dawn dew, to eat from the darling buds of May, to to sup from the honeypot of youth (something I have not done in years).
But from the moment I opened the fridge door to retrieve my bottle of Château Lacombe Cadiot, I felt there was something different, something new about this wine. For a start there was some information on the bottle. This was in French as well as English. Secondly, it was a not-overpowering 12.5%. Thirdly, it had a recommended drinking temperature of a perfect 16 degrees Celsius (you have heard me moan before about red wines served too warm). Fourthly, on opening it was the first wine from the bordelais that I can remember having a plastic cork. Four out of four so far then!
The wine tastes of rhubarb crumble with custard. Although I am not the greatest fan of rhubarb, it is the best 2005 Bordeaux I have yet tasted. Still a little tannic I am sure it will benefit from another 6 to 12 months in bottle. If only I could remember where I got it from I would order some more. A quick Google failed to find any UK suppliers. Any help appreciated!