June 11th, 2010
There is definitely a place in my heart for wines that are a bit bonkers. A tale of the unexpected. Something with its own personality.
I recently visited Vivat Bacchus in Farringdon with a colleague. We sampled two sweet wines – one white, one red – both bonkers. Sadly the white tasted of wallpaper paste and the red of cherry lips soaked in meths. And Vivat Bacchus tried to double tip me. I hate it when service is already added to the bill and then the credit card machine offers me the “opportunity” to add another tip, presumably going straight into the long pockets of short-handed management. A chilled Valpolicella on the same visit was dreamy, but this is not enough to entice me to visit either branch of Vivat Bacchus again.

I have tried many superb Tokaji dessert wines, almost all of which were not particularly Dizzee Rascal, but nonetheless tasted sweeter than an Armand van Helden megamix.
This Királyudvar was dry and, in a sense, that made it madder than a Tory/Liberal conspiracy. But mad can be loveable. It can be intelligent. It can command respect. This is the Vivienne Westwood of wines.
I can’t claim that I know whether she tastes of honey and meringue, but, like this wine, I could think of 10,000 worse dinner partners.
I got mine from the Wine Society for £18, so not cheap, but if you want quality like Westwood, then you have to be prepared to pay. I enjoyed mine with a pork chop with mustard, garlic and thyme.
Posted in Eastern Europe | 1 Comment »
June 1st, 2010
In England it is asparagus time. Time to celebrate! Surely there is no better flavour than some fresh (cut today) asparagus lightly seasoned and simply pan fried in butter.

Well, I am prepared to reveal that the dish can be improved upon. Adding a glass of Chablis is like adding a spoon of Dijon mustard to a French dressing – sort of essential*.
You could do worse than this William Fevre, which I picked up from the Wine Society for £13.95. At time of writing the 2008 had replaced the 2007 at the same price. Not cheap but a solid example of this under-rated genre.
With the zing of Sauvignon Blanc, the smoothness of Albariño and the class of Chardonnay (we were yet again reminded in this World Cup year, on the day that Fabio named his final 23, that form is temporary), this Domaine William Fevre is perfect with the noble spring vegetable. The flintiness perfectly offsets the buttery, almost yeasty flavour of the asparagus.
* Other dressings are available.
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May 28th, 2010
I think I am addicted to capital haute cuisine. First I tried the 40th floor of the Gherkin.  Then the revolving 34th floor of the BT Tower. Recently I have stooped, metaphorically, to the 28th floor of one of the ugliest buildings in London: The Hilton, Park Lane, but probably the one with the finest, or at least poshest, view.

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Posted in food, Spain and Portugal | 3 Comments »
May 25th, 2010
The big thing about buying wine in bond is that you are supposed to stash some aside for drinking later. Especially if, like me, you are fortunate enough to own a Combine Harvester.
So how come, I’ve already drunk 7/12 of these bottles that arrived from the Sunday Times Wine Club in August 2009 with a recommended drinking date of up to 2014?

Well, good is good, and brilliant is brilliant, but this wine is awesome. I can’t stop pouring it down my neck as if I was a human decanter.  Smooth yet spicy and zingy, it is everything I could wish of a Pinot Noir. Tar, tea, cranberry and redcurrant and worth every penny of the £21 per bottle it eventually cost me.
Finally, one in the eye for the Kiwi arrivistes.
Posted in burgundy | 3 Comments »
May 18th, 2010
Why does the Daily Mail keep shooting us in the foot? In the latest Lord Triesman sting, I support Gary Lineker. Actually I have always tried very hard to avoid the newspaper whose only purpose, in my opinion, apart from being the moral voice of useless old tossers, is to bring down anyone in authority. Anyone…
I am thinking of emigrating to Uruguay where I hear that newspapers are, if not more rational, then at least more patriotic. Ironic in a way when you think of the xenophobic tone of some Mail articles.
Uruguay produced this fab Tannat which I enjoyed with a bacon omelette (smoked dried cured streaky, since you asked).

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Posted in south america | No Comments »
May 13th, 2010
2004 was, by most commentators, considered to be a good year in Rioja, and Laguardia might be the prettiest village in all of Northern Spain. So this wine has two things going for it already.

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Posted in Spain and Portugal | No Comments »
May 7th, 2010
Following a recent explosion of new technology at BBR, I am delighted to see that the Wine Society has finally taken a giant leap out of the 19th century and launched a blog:Â Society Grapevine.
Social networking is a crucial way of building relationships with ones customers. The Society has unique access, presence, reach and expertise that makes for interesting and useful material. Well done!
Shame there is no iPhone app yet though…
Posted in Miscellaneous | No Comments »
May 4th, 2010
With a name sounding like a female porn star’s anal discomfort, this wine is also priced to make the eyes water.

From the Wine Society at £20, it tastes of cinnamon, stewed fruit and rotting veg. Hits most Pinot Noir benchmarks but possibly a bit rich at that price.
Posted in new zealand | No Comments »
May 1st, 2010
I’ve been trying a few reds from South West France like this one from the Wine Society. Mostly my experience has been good. No, astonishing!

This rich smoky bomb is no exception. Like inhaling a beetroot and blackberry flavoured firework. Not so much representative of its terroir as made from the very scorched earth the vines are grown in. From the vintage that deep fried numerous Gauls, this is a red-blooded hot spicy mama.
Gunpowder and plot (maybe without the treason, but you never know in France). Truly delicious and at £7.95, a bargain.
Posted in Rest of France | No Comments »
April 27th, 2010
The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive – John Sladek.
Buying wine futures is no different to taking a long position on Brent crude, although the end result is often tastier – Me.
Except buying en primeur is fun and when I stick to the more reasonable end of the price range I frequently get outperforming wines for the price. This Crozes-Hermitages was a great example at about £10 per bottle.

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