Archive for May 15th, 2007

Jamie “B” Goode

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

Congrats to Jamie Goode for winning the Glenfiddich 2007 Wine Writer of the Year.  Well deserved.  However, Jamie chose to celebrate at the Gaucho Grill and regular readers know my views on that particular establishment!

Corked or Not Corked?

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

I’ve been waiting for this to happen so I can blog about it.  I opened a bottle of Clos de Marquis 2001 (after dutifully fridging it for half an hour) only to find it was corked.

Fortunately I had another bottle so opened that and joy of joys – it was perfect.  So what was the difference?

Both bottles are shown in the picture below-  which do you think was corked?

Clos - which one was corked?


Another 2005 trial

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

This time, from my Wine Society 2005’s, under the microscope is Château Puy Garance…

Château Puy Garance….and a bog brush (for some reason)
